Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How to Make a Crown Royal Shiftboot

Instagram: LastDesires
Car teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYy5zNMqvRg
First, pull down the silver ring on the shift boot and twist off the (stock) shift knob. Then reach into the hole and pull the whole assembly out

Flip the boot inside out and the assembly upside down

 There are 4 hex screws that need to be unscrewed


 There are a couple staples that need to be taken out with a flathead screwdriver

 This zip tie can be removed with scissors or a knife

 Everything removed

 Get the Crown Royal Bag ready to be fitted

 Cut the bottom little by little and make sure it can fit in the holes 

 How it should look when it's finished

Do everything reversed to install it back on